The Transforming care conference

The third Transforming care conference was held in Milan in June 2017 with participation of more than 100 delegates, and quite a number of participants from the SIA project. The conference had a focus on innovation and sustainability in care policies and practices, for children, older people and people with disability. Keynote speakers were Professor August Österle, Professor Chiara Saraceno, and – from the SIA project – Professor Anneli Anttonen. The conference included also the following thematic panels: Care policy and institutional setting, Innovation and trade-offs in care services, Intergenerational care arrangements and informal care, Care work and changing care arrangements, Care policy in different care regimes. Find more information about the conference and the papers presented here,  Also note that the 4th Transforming care conference will be held in Copenhagen in June 24-26, 2019. The conference series is organized by Professor Costanzo Ranzi and Professor Tine Rostgaard.